#TCC9 MAY 9-11 2025!


Our specialty “Mythic Vault” is a store that specializes in selling collectible products and games such as Trading Card Games, Board Games, Role Playing Games, Funko POP!, Figures, Statues, and various other collectibles. It also focuses on tabletop games for all ages and fantasy games, while providing a wide variety of decorative items and gift items related to the world of cult and pop culture. Using our enriched website www.mythicvault.com, you can easily and quickly find the game that suits you and your group or the gift you would like to give to your loved ones. By offering games, collectibles, and merchandise from several different companies, we can satisfy even the most demanding needs. Among the fantasy and strategy games, you can find games from the world’s major brand names such as Pokémon, Bandai, Konami, Hasbro, Wizards Of the Coast, Fantasy Flight, Square Enix, Funko, Chessex, and various others. Where to find us You can also find us on platforms for selling individual cards (singles cards) of all TCGs (Pokémon, Magic: The Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragon Ball, Digimon, Flesh & Blood, Final Fantasy, Cardfight!! Vanguard, Metazoo, My Hero Academia, One Piece, Lorcana, etc.), where we operate a dedicated second floor for this service in our store. In addition to our online store www.mythicvault.com, you can find us at our physical location in Volos, Ermou 105 – Xatziargiri, where you can visit us to have all your questions answered and be guided through the world of gaming and fantasy. Furthermore, our physical space hosts events and tournaments, which you can stay updated about through the website and social media channels we provide. Our Vision Our vision is to give our young friends the opportunity to live their childhood years filled with dreams, fun, and lots of play! As for the adult collectors, with our experience and training, we can guide them towards the best solutions for building their collections. An additional goal of ours is to grow the communities of fantasy games and trading card games throughout Greece, and we will achieve this by providing the highest quality products and events. Have a great game!